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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Solid State Chemistry' volume of publication is 61

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1001335 CIFO11 P W3P 21 21 215.2927; 6.5604; 23.549
90; 90; 90
817.7Labbe, P; Goreaud, M; Raveau, B
Monophosphate tungsten bronzes with pentagonal tunnels (P O~2~)~4~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Structure of two even-m members P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6) and P~4~ W~16~ O~56~ (m=8)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 324-331
1001336 CIFO14 P W4P 21 21 215.2943; 6.5534; 29.7
90; 90; 90
1030.5Labbe, P; Goreaud, M; Raveau, B
Monophosphate tungsten bronzes with pentagonal tunnels (P O~2~)~4~ (W O~3~)~2m~: Structure of two even-m members P~4~ W~12~ O~44~ (m=6) and P~4~ W~16~ O~56~ (m=8)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 324-331
1001674 CIFBa2 Fe8 Ni3 O22 Sb2P -3 m 15.882; 5.882; 14.237
90; 90; 120
426.6Fuchs, G; Nguyen, N; Greneche, J M; Groult, D; Raveau, B
Antiferromagnetic 6L-Hexagonal ferrites, Ba2 Sb2 M3 Fe8 O22 (M = Zn, Mg, Ni, Co)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 223-229
1008319 CIFBa1.14 K0.72 S4 VP n a 219.158; 12.144; 6.729
90; 90; 90
748.4Vincent, H; Anne, M; Chang, A; Marcus, J
Synthese et structure cristalline de Ba~1.14~ K~.72~ V S~4~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 332-337
1529920 CIFK3 Nb7 O19P -114.143; 9.948; 6.463
106.45; 95.82; 97.29
855.977Fallon, G.D.; Gatehouse, B.M.; Guddat, L.W.
Crystal structures of some niobium and tantalum oxides IX. K3 Nb7 O19: A new potassium niobium oxide tunnel structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 181-187
1530002 CIFAl O4 PP 31 2 14.927; 4.927; 10.918
90; 90; 120
229.53Goiffon, A.; Maurin, M.; Jumas, J.C.; Philippot, E.
Etude comparee a diverses temperatures (173, 293 et 373 K) des structures de type quartz alpha des phases M(III) X(V) O4 (M(III) = Al, Ga et X(V) = P, As)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 384-396
1530095 CIFBr6 Ga4P n m a12.537; 15.474; 12.534
90; 90; 90
2431.56Hoenle, W.; Simon, A.; Gerlach, G.; Weppner, W.
Preparation, Crystal Structure, and ionic conductivity of Digallium tribromide, Ga2 Br3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 171-180
1530249 CIFCa0.925 F2.096 Th0.075F m -3 m5.521; 5.521; 5.521
90; 90; 90
168.288Laval, J.P.; Mikou, A.; Frit, B.; Pannetier, J.
Neutron diffraction study of the anion-excess fluoriterelated Ca1-x Thx F2+2x solid solution
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 359-368
1530250 CIFCa0.9 F2.2 Th0.1F m -3 m5.538; 5.538; 5.538
90; 90; 90
169.847Laval, J.P.; Mikou, A.; Frit, B.; Pannetier, J.
Neutron diffraction study of the anion-excess fluoriterelated Ca1-x Thx F2+2x solid solution
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 359-368
1530251 CIFCa0.875 F2.25 Th0.125F m -3 m5.555; 5.555; 5.555
90; 90; 90
171.416Laval, J.P.; Mikou, A.; Frit, B.; Pannetier, J.
Neutron diffraction study of the anion-excess fluoriterelated Ca1-x Thx F2+2x solid solution
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 359-368
1530252 CIFCa0.85 F2.3 Th0.15F m -3 m5.574; 5.574; 5.574
90; 90; 90
173.181Laval, J.P.; Mikou, A.; Frit, B.; Pannetier, J.
Neutron diffraction study of the anion-excess fluoriterelated Ca1-x Thx F2+2x solid solution
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 359-368
1530253 CIFCa0.82 F2.36 Th0.18F m -3 m5.594; 5.594; 5.594
90; 90; 90
175.052Laval, J.P.; Frit, B.; Mikou, A.; Pannetier, J.
Neutron diffraction study of the anion-excess fluoriterelated Ca1-x Thx F2+2x solid solution
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 359-368
1530386 CIFBr6 Nb6 Se20P 1 21/c 119.37; 13.026; 13.598
90; 90.062; 90
3430.96Meerschaut, A.; Grenouilleau, P.; Rouxel, J.
Nb6 Se20 Br6 a pseudo one-dimensional compound with a waved chain structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 90-97
1530437 CIFMn Na O4 PP m n b6.9041; 9.0882; 5.1134
90; 90; 90
320.845Moring, J.; Kostiner, E.
The crystal structure of Na Mn P O4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 379-383
1530874 CIFCo La O3R -3 c :R5.3416; 5.3416; 5.3416
60.99; 60.99; 60.99
110.174Thornton, G.; Tofield, B.C.; Hewat, A.W.
A neutron diffraction study of La Co O3 in the temperature range 4.2 < T < 1248 K
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 301-307
9013447 CIFCa2.24 F O12 P3 Pb2.76P 63/m9.759; 9.759; 7.291
90; 90; 120
601.351Miyake, M.; Ishigaki, K.; Suzuki, T.
Structure refinements of Pb2+ ion-exchanged apatites by X-ray powder pattern-fitting Note: Sample FAp Locality: synthetic Note: apatite group
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 230-235
9013448 CIFCa1.04 Cl O12 P3 Pb3.96P 63/m9.99; 9.99; 7.276
90; 90; 120
628.86Miyake, M.; Ishigaki, K.; Suzuki, T.
Structure refinements of Pb2+ ion-exchanged apatites by X-ray powder pattern-fitting Note: Sample ClAp Locality: synthetic Note: apatite group
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 230-235
9013449 CIFCa1.31 H O13 P3 Pb3.69P 63/m9.88; 9.88; 7.417
90; 90; 120
627.008Miyake, M.; Ishigaki, K.; Suzuki, T.
Structure refinements of Pb2+ ion-exchanged apatites by X-ray powder pattern-fitting Note: Sample OHAp Locality: synthetic Note: apatite group
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 61, 230-235

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