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1000096 CIFCl5.5 Cr H32 N6.5 Ni O6F d -3 :220.44; 20.44; 20.44
90; 90; 90
8539.7Moron, M C; Le Bail, A; Pons, J
The crystal and molecular structures of twinned (Cr(NH~3~)~6~)(Ni(H~2~O)~6~)Cl~5~ . 1/2(NH~4~Cl): a new complex bimetallic compound
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 88, 498-504
1100240 CIFC108.5 H128.5 Cs4 N4 P4F d -3 :226.7973; 26.7973; 26.7973
90; 90; 90
19243T.Grob; K.Harms; K.Dehnicke
Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem., 2000, 626, 1065
1505693 CIFAl2.75 Na2.59 O12 Si3.25F d -3 :225.09153; 25.09153; 25.09153
90; 90; 90
15797.2Hunger, Jens; Beta, Ilir A.; Böhlig, Heinz; Ling, Chris; Jobic, Herve; Hunger, Bernd
Adsorption structures of water in NaX studied by DRIFT spectroscopy and neutron powder diffraction.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 342-353
1505694 CIFAl0.92 D0.38 Na0.91 O4.19 Si1.08F d -3 :225.10741; 25.10741; 25.10741
90; 90; 90
15827.3Hunger, Jens; Beta, Ilir A.; Böhlig, Heinz; Ling, Chris; Jobic, Herve; Hunger, Bernd
Adsorption structures of water in NaX studied by DRIFT spectroscopy and neutron powder diffraction.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 342-353
1505695 CIFAl0.92 D0.89 Na0.84 O4.45 Si1.08F d -3 :225.10442; 25.10442; 25.10442
90; 90; 90
15821.6Hunger, Jens; Beta, Ilir A.; Böhlig, Heinz; Ling, Chris; Jobic, Herve; Hunger, Bernd
Adsorption structures of water in NaX studied by DRIFT spectroscopy and neutron powder diffraction.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 342-353
1505696 CIFAl2.75 D4.1 Na2.92 O14.05 Si3.25F d -3 :225.05049; 25.05049; 25.05049
90; 90; 90
15719.9Hunger, Jens; Beta, Ilir A.; Böhlig, Heinz; Ling, Chris; Jobic, Herve; Hunger, Bernd
Adsorption structures of water in NaX studied by DRIFT spectroscopy and neutron powder diffraction.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2006, 110, 342-353
1509757 CIFAg23 Al92 O384 Si100 Tl69F d -3 :224.947; 24.947; 24.947
90; 90; 90
15525.8Choi Eunyoung; Kim Soo Yeon; Kim Yang
Two crystal structures of Ag(+)- and Tl(+)-exchanged zeolite X, (Ag27 Tl65)-X and (Ag23 Tl69)-X
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2002, 23, 1759-1764
1509760 CIFAg27 Al92 O384 Si100 Tl65F d -3 :224.758; 24.758; 24.758
90; 90; 90
15175.6Choi Eunyoung; Kim Soo Yeon; Kim Yang
Two crystal structures of Ag(+)- and Tl(+)-exchanged zeolite X, (Ag27 Tl65)-X and (Ag23 Tl69)-X
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2002, 23, 1759-1764
1510001 CIFAg92 Al92 O384 Si100F d -3 :224.922; 24.922; 24.922
90; 90; 90
15479.2Jeong, M.S.; Kim, Y.; Jang, S.B.; Song, S.H.; Park, S.Y.
Two crystal structures of the vacuum-dehydrated fully Ag(+)-exchanged zeolite X
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 1996, 40, 474-482
1510002 CIFAg92 Al92 O384 Si100F d -3 :225.2; 25.2; 25.2
90; 90; 90
16003Kim, Y.; Lee, S.H.; Seff, K.
Erratum to: "Weak Ag(+) - Ag(+) bonding in zeolite X. Crystal structures of Ag92 Si100 Al92 O384 hydrated and fully dehydrated in flowing oxygen"
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2002, 52, 61-63
1520806 CIFAl92 Co38 H88 Na24 O432 Si100F d -3 :224.92; 24.92; 24.92
90; 90; 90
15475.5Bae, D.H.; Seff, K.
Structures of cobalt(II)-exchanged zeolite X
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 33, 265-280
1520807 CIFAl92 Co38 H189 Na11 O476 Si100F d -3 :224.95; 24.95; 24.95
90; 90; 90
15531.4Bae, D.H.; Seff, K.
Structures of cobalt(II)-exchanged zeolite X
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 33, 265-280
1520967 CIFAl92 Ca18 O384 Si100 Tl56F d -3 :224.883; 24.883; 24.883
90; 90; 90
15406.7Choi, E.-Y.; Kim, Y.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Ca18 Tl56 Si100 Al92 O384 and Ca32 Tl28 Si100 Al92 O384
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 1999, 43, 384-392
1520969 CIFAl92 Ca32 O384 Si100 Tl28F d -3 :224.973; 24.973; 24.973
90; 90; 90
15574.4Choi, E.-Y.; Kim, Y.
Two anhydrous zeolite X crystal structures, Ca18 Tl56 Si100 Al92 O384 and Ca32 Tl28 Si100 Al92 O384
Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 1999, 43, 384-392
1521149 CIFAl92 In88 O384 Si100F d -3 :224.913; 24.913; 24.913
90; 90; 90
15462.4Heo, N.-H.; Jung, S.W.; Lim, W.T.; Park, S.W.; Seff, K.
Crystal structures of fully indium-exchanged zeolite X
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2000, 104, 8372-8381
1521232 CIFAl92 Ca46 H403.8 N134.6 O384 Si100F d -3 :224.904; 24.904; 24.904
90; 90; 90
15445.7Jang, S.B.; Jeong, M.S.; Kim, Y.; Song, S.H.; Seff, K.
Crystal structure of an ammonia sorption complex of dehydrated fully Ca(2+)-exchanged zeolite X
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 28, 173-183
1521249 CIFAl96 Ge96 Na51.04 O822.08F d -3 :225.589; 25.589; 25.589
90; 90; 90
16755.6Johnson, G.M.; Parise, J.B.; Lee, Y.-J.; Tripathi, A.
Structural studies of hydrated germanium X-type zeolite via Rietveld analysis of synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 31, 195-204
1521404 CIFAl92 O384 Si100 Sr46F d -3 :225.214; 25.214; 25.214
90; 90; 90
16029.7Kim, M.J.; Seff, K.; Jeong, M.S.; Kim, Y.
Crystal structures of fully dehydrated fully Sr(2+)-exchanged zeolite X and of its ammonia sorption complex
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 30, 233-241
1521405 CIFAl92 H306 N102 O384 Si100 Sr46F d -3 :225.127; 25.127; 25.127
90; 90; 90
15864.3Kim, M.J.; Jeong, M.S.; Seff, K.; Kim, Y.
Crystal structures of fully dehydrated fully Sr(2+)-exchanged zeolite X and of its ammonia sorption complex
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1999, 30, 233-241
1521407 CIFAl88 H65.28 Na87.3 O416.64 Si104F d -3 :224.94429; 24.94429; 24.94429
90; 90; 90
15520.8Kirschhock, C.E.A.; Hunger, B.; Martens, J.; Jacobs, P.A.
Localisation of residual water in alkali-metal cation-exchanged X and Y type zeolites
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2000, 104, 439-448

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