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Searching space group like 'P 21 3'

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1000396 CIFO8 W2 ZrP 21 39.1546; 9.1546; 9.1546
90; 90; 90
767.2Auray, M; Quarton, M; Leblanc, M
Zirconium tungstate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 2210-2213
1001395 CIFK1.75 O12 P3 Ti2P 21 39.8559; 9.8559; 9.8559
90; 90; 90
957.4Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B.
K~2-x~ Ti~2~ (P O~4~)~3~ with 0< x< 0.5: A Mixed-Valence Nonstoichiometric Titanophosphate with Langbeinite Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 227-231
1001396 CIFK2 O12 P3 Ti2P 21 39.8688; 9.8688; 9.8688
90; 90; 90
961.2Leclaire, A; Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B.
K~2-x~ Ti~2~ (P O~4~)~3~ with 0< x< 0.5: A Mixed-Valence Nonstoichiometric Titanophosphate with Langbeinite Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 78, 227-231
1001555 CIFK7.333 O48.667 P12 V10P 21 39.896; 9.896; 9.896
90; 90; 90
969.1Benmoussa, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Leclaire, A; Raveau, B
Langbeinite, a host lattice for "V~3~O" clusters: the trivalent vanadium phosphate K~11~V~15~P~18~O~73~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 97, 314-318
1007058 CIFK O12 P3 Ti2P 21 39.77; 9.77; 9.77
90; 90; 90
932.6Masse, R; Durif, A; Guitel, J C; Tordjman, I
Structure cristalline du monophosphate lacunaire K Ti~2~ (P O~4~)~3~. Monophosphates lacunaires Nb Ge (P O~4~)~3~ et M(V) Ti (P O~4~)~3~ pour M(V) = Sb, Nb, Ta
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1972, 95, 47-55
1007067 CIFLi2 Mn3 O8 ZnP 21 38.192; 8.192; 8.192
90; 90; 90
549.8Joubert, J C; Durif, A
Etude de deux types d'ordre dans le spinelle Mn~3~ Li~2~ Zn O~8~
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1964, 258, 4482-4485
1008246 CIFF2 PdP 21 35.329; 5.329; 5.329
90; 90; 90
151.3Tressaud, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Touhara, H; Demazeau, G; Langlais, F
On a new structural type of fluorine compounds: crystal and magnetic structures of a high pressure form of Pd F~2~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1981, 16, 207-214
1010034 CIFCr SiP 21 34.62; 4.62; 4.62
90; 90; 90
98.6Boren, B
Roentgenuntersuchung der Legierungen von Silicium mit Chrom, Mangan, Kobalt und Nickel
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1934, 11, 1-28
1010035 CIFMn SiP 21 34.548; 4.548; 4.548
90; 90; 90
94.1Boren, B
Roentgenuntersuchung der Legierungen von Silicium mit Chrom, Mangan, Kobalt und Nickel
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1934, 11, 1-28
1010036 CIFCo SiP 21 34.438; 4.438; 4.438
90; 90; 90
87.4Boren, B
Roentgenuntersuchung der Legierungen von Silicium mit Chrom, Mangan, Kobalt und Nickel.
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1933, 11, 1-28
1010057 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.55; 6.55; 6.55
90; 90; 90
281Kolkmeijer, N H; Bijvoet, J M; Karssen, A
Investigation by means of X-Rays of the crystal structure of sodium- chlorate and sodium-bromate.
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1920, 23, 644-653
1010058 CIFBr Na O3P 21 36.74; 6.74; 6.74
90; 90; 90
306.2Kolkmeijer, N H; Bijvoet, J M; Karssen, A
Investigation by means of X-Rays of the crystal structure of sodium- chlorate and sodium-bromate.
Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1920, 23, 644-653
1010111 CIFCa Na2 O4 SiP 21 37.48; 7.48; 7.48
90; 90; 90
418.5Barth, T. F. W.; Posnjak, E.
Silicate structures of the cristobalite type: II. The crystal structure of Na~2~ Ca Si O~4~
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials, 1932, 81, 370-375
1010216 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.57; 6.57; 6.57
90; 90; 90
283.6Zachariasen, W H
The Crystal Structure of Sodium Chlorate.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1929, 71, 517-529
1010305 CIFC OP 21 35.63; 5.63; 5.63
90; 90; 90
178.5Vegard, L
Struktur und Leuchtfaehigkeit von festem Kohlenoxyd.
Zeitschrift fuer Physik, 1930, 61, 185-190
1010377 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.56; 6.56; 6.56
90; 90; 90
282.3Dickinson, R G; Goodhue, E A
The Crystal Structures of Sodium Chlorate and Sodium Bromate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1921, 43, 2045-2055
1010378 CIFBr Na O3P 21 36.71; 6.71; 6.71
90; 90; 90
302.1Dickinson, R G; Goodhue, E A
The Crystal Structures of Sodium Chlorate and Sodium Bromate
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1921, 43, 2045-2055
1010446 CIFBr Na O3P 21 36.71; 6.71; 6.71
90; 90; 90
302.1Hamilton, J E
The Crystal Structure of Sodium Bromate
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1938, 100, 104-111
1010485 CIFCl Na O3P 21 36.56; 6.56; 6.56
90; 90; 90
282.3Wulff, G
Ueber die Struktur des Natriumchlorats.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1922, 57, 190-200
1010490 CIFH3 NP 21 35.193; 5.193; 5.193
90; 90; 90
140Mark, H; Pohland, E
Das Gitter des Ammoniaks.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1925, 61, 532-537

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